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The court banned Sakib Pleh from performing the function of the director of the Library for the Blind!

The Municipal Court in Sarajevo adopted the proposal of the Cantonal Prosecutor's Office and imposed court injunctions on the director of the Library for the Blind and Visually Impaired Sakib Pleh, against whom a lawsuit is pending for forgery, has learned.


According to the information from the official court act, Pleh is banned from undertaking business activities or official duties of the director of the Library. It is further stated in the act that he is warned that he may be remanded in custody in case he violates this judicial measure in any way.

Let us remind you that recently pointed out in a research text that Pleh, although responsible for forging a diploma in court, still manages the Library and thus finances. Furthermore, as we announced, the Prosecutor's Office of KS has formed a new case regarding a number of machinations and illegalities committed in this institution.

It should be emphasized that, when it comes to documenting potential crimes in this case, excellent cooperation was achieved between the Office for the Fight against Corruption, which submitted a report on the crime, and the Prosecutor's Office of KS.

As it was confirmed to us, a hearing was held on May 25 regarding this proposal of the Prosecutor's Office. Pleh's lawyer, Emir Hasić, assessed this proposal as unfounded and asked it to be rejected. He emphasized that it is unusual for this to be stated immediately before the closing arguments in this court process.

Pleh in the library for the blind and visually impaired (Photo: Facebook)

However, the Court pronounced the mentioned measure requested by the Prosecution because it determined that it was necessary because he concluded an employment contract with the Library, with the disputed diploma from Titograd (Podgorica), and that he still holds the position of director, and considers that, in order to continue the unhindered course of the proceedings, it should be impossible for Pleh to continue performing his function until the trial is finalized. The allegations of Pleh's defence counsel were found unfounded.

By the way, the Ministry of Culture and Sports recently allocated about 106,000 KM to the Library in order to enable its functioning. Due to this court decision, Pleh will not be able to manage this money, whose monthly salary is around 2,300 KM, and he has continued to receive it unhindered until today.

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